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The issue of water is a reality that can but echo in the heart and mind of us all.

Water is a right for everyone and must be accessible and equally available to each of us.

The energy challenges linked to oil have branded the 20th Century and we already know that those linked to water will brand this new Century and those to come.

Water is tomorrow’s major challenge.

In our part of the world, it is crucial and already the cause of conflicts.

Water is in danger !

Let us fight 100% for water ! 


from Tunisia to Palestine, the dance of Water, source of Hope and Life!

Nawel Skandrani’s last production, “100%Water!”, with original score by the Tunisian composer Jawhar Basti, is a multi-disciplinary, aesthetic and playful performance, aimed at all type of audience.

Using harmoniously contemporary dance, live music, video-scenographies, by the Italian artist Sergio Gazzo, texts and songs, “100%Water!” brings on stage the water issue problem and its stakes in the world, more specifically in the MENA region, through the commitment of a collective of international knowed artists..


1h20m long, this very visual show is performed by 13 dancers from Tunisia, Palestine, Egypt, Algeria, Brazil and France and by 4 musicians playing in live: Jawhar Basti and Mohamed-Ali Kammoun from Tunisia, Khaled Yassine from Lebanon and Yannick Dupont from Belgium.

Since the Premiere witch took place on July 17th 2013 for the opening of the 49th edition of the Hammamet International Festival, “100%Water!” toured in various cities in Tunisia (Béjà, Nabeul, Sousse, Sfax, El Kef), was programed at the 16th edition of the Journées Théâtrales de Carthage, did the opening of the 9th edition of the Ramallah Contemporary Dance Festival, on April 14th 2014, was presented partially in Paris at the Arab World Institute and was the only contemporary dance company scheduled for the 50th anniversary of the Carthage International Festival in August 5th 2014.

“100%Water!” , a co-production within Sareyyet Ramallah First Group and Nawel Skandrani, cries out loud and clear the right for water and the right for life.




The environment and the health of our planet have always been and will always be one of my major concerns.

Today, more than ever, my involvement as a “Citizen-Artist” is far more than a duty. It is a MUST. An emergency.

Several years ago, my attention already focused on Art as a communication tool in favour of ecology :

- In 2005, with the dance-video piece, “ Les étoiles filantes meurent en silence” (Shooting Stars Die in Silence), created in collaboration with the video artist Sergio Gazzo.

- In 2008, through a workshop in the Tunisian countryside for 12 young dancers from Arab countries (Egypt, Lebanon, Morrocco, Syria and Tunisia).

- And, in 2010 with “La Feuille de l’Olivier” (The Leaf of the Olive Tree), a choreographic piece about the shared cultural, historical, political, environmental, economic and even playful role of this tree in the countries growing it.


 I am fully convinced that an “ecological culture” or a “cultural ecology” have a very important part to play in helping raise the awareness of people in a  cultural and playful way. 

For decades, my country, as many others in the region, has often been mistreated, not only at the democratic, political and social rights level but also in its environmental rights, too often victim of the greediness and/or the ignorance of its decision makers, in spite of some apparently “astounding successful achievements” … The situation is even worse in other countries due to various types of conflicts and severe drought as well as other natural disasters.

Furthermore, as a defender of dance as a major total art, I am also convinced that it is of utmost importance to allow and encourage young dancers to express themselves, cry out their fears, their anger, share their ideas and suggestions, utter their hopes about such a vital and universal issue as WATER. Water for each of us on OUR EARTH. In a part of the world where choreography is still considered as a minor art, one of my permanent struggles is to present it as a conveyer  of ideas and emotions


Every single artistical and citizen action can but help build up global awareness of this crucial issue beyond all borders.


From the very specific to the universal. From the little net to the WEB.



 Creators/ Concepters

Nawel Skandrani 

Concept maker,Artistic Director and Choreographer  

Jawhar Basti  

Composer and Musician 

Sergio Gazzo 

Video Director 

with the collaboration of Mehdi Aouini 

Muaz Al-Jubeh  & Sabri Atrous 

 Light Directors

Ghneim Zaarour 



(in alphabetical order)

Marion Blondeau 

Amira Chabli 

Jumana Dabbis 

Hiba Harhash 

Asma Khalfallah

Yasmine Khedhiri 

Ahmed Khemis - Soliste invité 

Larbi Namouchi 

Mahmoud Rabiey 

Mounir Said 

Bruno Serravalle da Silva 

Abdelaziz Touati 

Haythem Toumi


(in alphabetical order)

Jawhar Basti

Guitar & Voice

Becem Chakroun

Percussions (in alternation)

Tiffany Ojalà Chang

Drums (in alternation)

Yannich Dupont

 Drums (in alternation)

Mohamed-Ali Kammoun

Rhodes & Electric Piano

Khaled Yassine

Percussions (in alternation)



Nizar Jlidi

Leila Baccouche

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